Short film made at Young Film Academy summer camp at Bury St Edmonds, Aug 2022- Co-written and Co-Directed by Me, Louie Williamson. Although not credited, I also played the masked character as I created this character and figured that the actors would rather not show off their talent from behind a ski mask. The film was shot in 9 hours and edited in 4. It tells the story of a man grieving the loss of his girlfriend, and how that causes him to imagine her presence even though she isn't really there. I really enjoyed writing the film and especially the symbolism portrayed through its characters like the masked figure being potentially the personification of death or the mans inner thoughts. As well as this, the collaboration and teamwork I shared with my fellow crew members made it twice the experience. There were a few flaws such as the music's syncing or rather lack there of and the direction of line delivery was a bit off, but noticing mistakes is part of the learning curve.
Short film written, directed, shot and edited by me. It stars my Dad Robert Williamson as the King and my friend Tristan Bleak as the King's son. The wind posed quite a few problems with the audio, such as distortion and overlapping the voices, which could've been avoided with proper equipment. To avoid copyright issues, I reached out to Jessica Curry, the composer of the track playing, Mandus, and asked for permission to use the song. She got back to me and said it was no problem, so I must thank her for that because the film really wouldn't be the same without her music. I could have directed my friend to have been louder as the wind quietened him particularly, to the point of having to increase the footage's volume. The location was originally quite different as was the script. The location had to be changed due to other people being present at the original place and a portion of the scripts length had to be cut due to it being too long. I enjoyed directing it a lot though and particularly loved experimenting with different shots and positioning for the camera.
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland- Film making course, 2021. Read through of a monologue written and directed by me. Direction and recording of the monologue were done in an online setting due to COVID. This monologue was created not long before the rehearsal as the challenge was to be able to write engaging dialogue in a short amount of time.
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Summer School. Re-make of Baby Driver scene- part directed, part shot and fully edited by me.
A short movie made by me starring my dad Robert Williamson and my friend Tristan Bleak. This is the extended/final cut of the film which includes a recurring theme tune provided by Imovie, the editing software i used to make the film. In the shorter version of the film there was no title card nor end credit sequence, and the theme tune only played once.
This was one of three videos made by pupils at Waid Academy for the Anstruther Fisheries museum in Aug 2022. I was the camera man for this video and "My Loving Son Jim". I shared the camera work on the third film "The Lonely Fisherman". All three films show at the Anstruther Fisheries museum and also the Imperial War museum in London
This was one of three videos made by pupils at Waid Academy for the Anstruther Fisheries museum in Aug 2022. I was the camera man for this video and The Housewives of Anstruther". I shared the camera work on the third film "The Lonely Fisherman". All three films show at the Anstruther Fisheries museum and also the Imperial War museum in London
Louie Williamson
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